Fall Scholastic Book Fair: March 10-14

Aloha Haʻaheo ʻOhana,

We are excited to announce our Spring Scholastic Book Fair!

The fair will be here on March 10-14 and located in E-90 (this room is located in the last building on your right before you exit the school gates). Proceeds from our fair will continue to provide classroom support.

Please see the attached flyer for class schedules. A hardcopy was sent home yesterday, 2/25 in your child(ren)'s Tuesday Folder.
Click HERE for a snapshot of the fair flyer.

Important Fair information is as listed:

  1. Students will have an opportunity to shop the fair during a scheduled time with their class. See the flyer below for details.
  2. Students will also be able to shop during recess.
  3. PARENT SCHEDULE: Parents are welcome to shop during the following times: Mon/Tues/Thur: 2:30-3:00pm • Wed: 1:15-2:00pm. 
  4. We highly encourage the use of the Scholastic eWallet tool for you and your child(ren). This is a safe and cashless way that your child may purchase items from the fair. 
    • Click HERE to set up your child's eWallet or for more information.
  5. Yum Yum Goody Goody will also be available for purchase during Book Fair hours and also on Friday (3/14) from 2:30-3:00pm

You may also visit https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/haaheoelementaryschool to shop our online fair. 

Mahalo for supporting our school!